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Meet Nikolett, Software Developer

‘We’re continually learning, growing, and breaking new ground.’

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Nikolett Trenyik

Software Developer, Osterley

Tech, Product & Data | 21 August 2023 | 8 mins

I’ve been a part of a specialised team within the Sales and Service department that focuses on CRM (Customer Relationship Management) for over two years.

Our team uses Salesforce, a leading customer relationship management tool, to streamline interactions between our agents and users. We take advantage of various Salesforce features, such as case management, automated routing, and escalation, to address inquiries and resolve issues.

Our solutions are deployed for Sky’s OTT propositions in the UK and expanded to 27 countries in Europe and the US. We’re in the process of introducing a new proposition across 44 countries in Africa.

In addition, we use Salesforce Knowledge as the CMS for our Customer Help sites across all the propositions. It manages all the Help journeys and configurations and allows the Content Editors to create, edit, and publish Help articles in the more than 20 languages that we support.

Salesforce is integral to our operations. It allows us to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction and drive business growth. Our specialised focus on CRM within the broader Sales and Service department underscores our commitment to fostering robust, efficient customer relationships.

Describe a project, or career highlight where you were able to make a difference.

I’ve been involved in several significant projects throughout my career. One of the most memorable ones was a recent endeavour to establish new territories for Sky Showtime, this multifaceted project allowed me to utilise a wide range of skills. I was particularly engaged in one specific area: setting up a Telephony service using Amazon Web Services (AWS). Configuring the Telephony service was a challenging, yet rewarding task. It required a deep understanding of the AWS platform, thorough planning, and precise execution. Seeing it implemented and serving its purpose in our operations was gratifying.

This specific achievement led to my nomination for a Sky Stars award. A recognition that further solidified the importance of the project and the value of my contribution. This experience stands out as a career highlight, reinforcing the impact of my work and inspiring me to continue leveraging technology to enhance our operations and customer experience.

At Sky we’re always challenging ourselves to deliver the next big thing. Describe what that’s like and why it’s exciting

At Sky, we are always striving to exceed expectations, driven by our ethos of constant innovation and improvement. Our culture is not one to rest on past successes; rather, we continually ask ourselves, “What’s next?” and push to deliver it. This culture is invigorating, as it keeps us on the edge of advancement, exploring new ways to enhance our services and meet our customers’ ever-evolving needs. What’s truly exciting about this environment is the tangible impact of our work. When we innovate and overcome challenges, we directly enhance our offerings, making a real difference for our customers.

This sense of making a positive impact, coupled with the thrill of ongoing learning and growth, makes every day at Sky an exciting journey. The culture at Sky ensures that we are always on a path of evolution. Each day brings a new set of challenges and opportunities. We’re continually learning, growing, and breaking new ground. Making it a truly exciting place to work.

How is Sky an inclusive place to work where you can be yourself?

Working at Sky has been a dream come true for me. I started my journey here as part of an apprentice programme for Software Developers. With the nurturing environment and abundant growth opportunities Sky offered, I was able to progress from being an Associate Developer to a fully-fledged Software Developer. From my very first day, I’ve felt like an integral part of the Sky family. This sense of belonging has only deepened over time as I’ve grown alongside the company.

Sky has a genuine commitment to helping employees strike a work-life balance. I’ve personally experienced this through their flexible work policies and supportive culture. The campus is an incredible space that contributes positively to our work-life balance. The array of events organised here has not only been fun but also helped me establish connections with colleagues across different teams. Facilities such as the gym cater to our physical well-being, supporting a healthy and balanced lifestyle. One of my personal favourites is the beautiful garden on campus. Whether I’m taking a quiet walk to switch off, or enjoying the greenery during a break; it’s a small sanctuary that boosts my mental balance.

As a Mental Health Champion, I understand firsthand the profound benefits of such spaces and the act of walking for mental well-being. The tranquillity of nature combined with the simple act of walking can offer a much-needed escape from the demands of the workday.

Sky’s provision of this space underscores its commitment to employee well-being. All these elements highlight how Sky is an inclusive and supportive place to work. Individuals are not only offered opportunities for professional growth, but are also encouraged to maintain a balanced life.

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